Hormones appear to play a significant role in the precipitation of emotional issues during pregnancy: blissfully happy, teary and irritable, fatigued and foggy, sad, or anxious, and they may be more prominent in certain months of pregnancy.
Pregnancy was thought to be a period of emotional well-being, Recent studies have suggested that pregnancy poses a risk of anxiety and depression in women with prior histories. Women have believed the cause of this is from normal hormonal changes and women tend to not consult their doctors. But untreated, anxiety and depression can be dangerous to both mother and baby.
Please seek help if you are experiencing any of these symptoms for more than 2 weeks:
- Intense sadness or anxiety
- Difficulty concentrating
- Sleepingtoo little or too much
- Change in eating habits
- Loss of interest in favorite activities
- Recurring thoughts of death, suicide or hopelessness
- Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
If you or someone you know match the symptoms listed above, I am confident that I can help and invite you to contact me today for a free consultation.
(207) 318-8899